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DWN News

Subscribe to receive critical Detention Watch Network (DWN) news and updates on immigration detention, as well as, announcements and invitations to our events and activities.

DWN News Sign Up

DWN Listserves

In addition to our campaign list serves, DWN has two active list serves — general and member-exclusive — to exchange ideas, news and events. To ensure confidentially, our lists are not open to government employees or members of the media. If you are a member of the media and would like to receive DWN updates, please send your request to: [email protected].

The general DWN listserve is open to DWN members, allies and supporters who are concerned about the United States immigration detention and deportation system. It is an un-moderated space and is the only listserve available for public sign up.

Listserve Sign Up

General Listserve Resources

  • Listserve Account Management
    All subscribers to the DWN general listserve receive a password. You can retrieve your password and manage your account here.
  • Listserve Instructions
    List features and tips on maintaining your account.
  • Listserve Archives
    If you are already subscribed, you can search through the Listserve archives by thread, subject, author or date (password required).