
Raising awareness and building power to effect change

Image credit: Steve Pavey

Detention Watch Network (DWN) members are organizing around the country to demand an end to immigration detention through local and national campaigns. DWN works to support member campaigns through information sharing, strategy development, public education and communications.

Support DWN member campaigns or consider organizing an event in your community to raise awareness about the inhumane and unjust immigration detention system.

Featured Member Campaigns 

Connect to a DWN member and find out more about the work that members are doing.

Organize in your Community

  • Visit a Detention Center Near You
    Visit your local detention center to learn from someone who is directly impacted by the immigration detention system.
  • Coordinate a Teach-in, Workshop, Presentation or Film Screening
    These events are a great way to educate your community on immigration detention while recruiting people to become more active on the issue.
  • Organize a Rally, March or Vigil
    Call attention to the issue in a public space to engage more members of your community.

Organizing Resources